Due to the recent state of emergency declaration, we will accept refunds for tickets for customers who are unfortunately unable to attend the venue, customers who are unable to attend or watch the live broadcast due to the change in the opening and start time of the second performance, and customers who are unable to attend due to poor health or changes in the situation onどうしてday of the performance. Saturday, January 9, 2021 Shinkiba Studio Coast ● All seats reserved tickets Part 1: Doors open 13:30 / Show starts 14:30 Part 2: Doors open 17:30 / Show starts 18:30 ● Streaming viewing tickets Part 2 Streaming GATE OPEN: 18:00 / Streaming LIVE START 18:30 * When accepting a refund, the electronic ticket must not have been used (not torn off). * If you wish to receive a refund, please be careful not to accept the electronic ticket or, even if you do receive it, not to tear it off yourself. If the ticket has been torn off, we will not be able to refund it. * If any fraud is found, we will not be able to refund it. We will inform you of the refund acceptance period and details of the refund for this performance as soon as the details are decided. Now that we have decided to hold the event, we will strive to create an environment where everyone who comes to the event can enjoy themselves with peace of mind. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. January 8, 2021 All the Novelbright staff' data-wovn-src:-original-content='いつもNovelbrightを応援いただき誠にありがとうございます。この度の緊急事態宣言の内容を鑑みた結果、REMEMBER THE BRIGHT TOUR 〜2020年総まとめしちゃいまSHOW〜、1月9日(土)新木場スタジオコースト公演は、予定通り開催する運びとなりました。ただし、2部公演の開場・開演時間を30分繰り上げさせていただくことになりました。恐れ入りますが、必ず下記をご確認いただき、ご来場の際にはお間違いのないよう、お願い申し上げます。<公演情報詳細>2021年1月9日(土)新木場スタジオコースト 1部:開場13:30/開演14:302部:開場17:30/開演18:30  ※30分早くなりました【一般発売受付】チケットぴあ:https://w.pia.jp/t/novelbright/イープラス:https://eplus.jp/novelbright/1部配信GATE OPEN:13:30 / 配信LIVE START 14:302部配信GATE OPEN:18:00 / 配信LIVE START 18:30【チケット受付】チケットぴあ:https://w.pia.jp/t/novelbright-tour/公演に関するお問合せ:公演事務局(営業時間 平日10:00~17:00)event@user-support.jpなお、開催決定・時間変更に伴う払い戻しに関しましては、各項目毎に詳細を明記しましたので、必ずご確認をお願いいたします。<2部公演(開場開演時間変更)へのご参加について>現在お持ちのチケットはそのまま有効となりますので、tixeeboxのアンインストールなどはせずにそのままお持ちいただきますようお願いいたします。※ただし電子チケット券面やマイページ上の購入履歴には変更前の開場開演時間が記載されておりますので、ご来場の際には十分ご注意いただきますようお願いいたします。※座席番号についてもそのまま同じ座席番号となります。他の公演回へのご来場はできかねます。<公演実施について>本公演は 政府によるイベント開催制限の段階的緩和措置のガイドラインに基づき、ソーシャルディスタンスを確保し収容人数50%以下で開催いたします。 なお、今後の公演につきましては追ってご案内いたします。【公演実施ガイドライン】・当公演のチケットは全てデジタルチケットでの取り扱いとなります。・ソーシャルディスタンス(社会的距離)確保の為、収容人数の半分以内での参加人数で実施を予定しております。また原則、前後左右間隔を空けた配置でお座り頂きます。会場の座席レイアウトにより異なります。・全ての公演関係者に対しマスク着用、こまめな手洗い、手指の消毒を励行するとともに、検温の実施を徹底し健康管理に努めます。・会場内の手すり・ドアノブ等お手を触れられる箇所の消毒作業を徹底致します。・会場内の換気を徹底に致します。・整列が必要な場所において来場者が距離を置いて並べるよう目印の設置を行います。・来場者への対面対応が必要な場所においてはアクリル板や透明ビニールカーテン等を設置し飛沫感染防止対策を施します。・会場内の各所に消毒液を設置致します。・感染予防に関する案内板の設置及び巡回スタッフによる感染予防の呼びかけを行います。・会場内の喫煙所を閉鎖させて頂きます。・会場内外での物販、CD・DVDの販売を11:00から行います。販売場所は当日改めてご案内させて頂きます。密集を防ぐ整列販売および透明ビニールカーテン等を設置し飛沫感染防止対策を施します。・妊婦の方、妊娠が想定される方、持病や基礎疾患のある方、お一人での行動が難しい方など、ご自身のお身体とその関係者の方々の安全を第一にお考え頂き、ご自身の判断のもとご来場をご検討下さい。・入場口において検温所を設置、非接触型体温計によりご来場様の体温を測定致します。37.5度以上の熱がある場合は指定の待機場所にて再び検温を行い、体温に変化が見られない場合は入場をお断りさせて頂きます。【ご来場者様へのお願い】・チケット購入時にご登録いただいたお名前、ご連絡先を、必要に応じて公共機関へ提供させていただく可能性があります。・厚生労働省より、リリースされました新型コロナウイルス接触確認アプリ(COCOA) COVID-19 Contact-Confirming Applicationの登録をお願い致します。Google Playhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.go.mhlw.covid19radarApp Storehttps://apps.apple.com/jp/app/id1516764458・新型コロナウイルス感染症陽性とされた方との濃厚接触がある方、過去2週間以内に政府から入国制限、入国後の観察期間を必要とされている国・地域への訪問歴及び当該在住者との濃厚接触がある方はご来場をお控え下さい。・37.5度以上の熱がある方、咳、呼吸困難、全身倦怠感、咽頭痛、⿐汁・⿐閉、味覚・嗅覚障害、眼の痛みや結膜の充⾎、頭痛、関節・筋⾁痛、下痢、嘔気・嘔吐のような症状のある方は、ご来場をお控え下さい。また、アルコールの摂取は体温上昇の可能性がございます。来場前の飲酒はお控え下さい。いずれの場合でも、37.5度以上の熱のある場合には、入場をお断りさせて頂きます旨、ご了承下さい。・ご来場の際はマスクの着用を必須とし、着用のない場合の入場はお断りさせて頂きます。マスクは必ずご自身でご用意をお願いします。・入場時は、備え付けの消毒液にて手指消毒を必ず行って頂きます。・飛沫感染防止の為、大声での会話・声援を禁止とさせて頂きます。また、公演中の不要なお席の移動、来場者同士の接触や物の貸し借りをお控え下さい。・客席・ロビーでは咳エチケットへのご協力と、会話はなるべくお控え頂きますようお願い致します。・体調不良であることが見受けられるお客様には、スタッフよりお声がけさせて頂きますこと、ご了承下さい。また、状況により会場内へのご入場をお断りさせて頂きますこと、ご了承お願い致します。・本公演のチケットは、「スマートフォンでの電子チケット引取」のみとなります。FC先行及び、チケットぴあでのご購入者様・ご同行者様ともに電子チケットは【tixeeboxアプリ】を利用してのご入場となりまして、Cloakの画面提示ではご入場いただけません。ご来場者様お一人につき1台スマートフォンが必要となりますので、チケットお引取前にご同行者様へCloak内から分配の上、ご来場者様・ご同行者様それぞれでチケットをダウンロードいただき、ご来場をお願いいたします。Cloakの分配方法はこちら https://cloak.pia.jp/contents/guide/forward.html<払い戻しについて>この度の緊急事態宣言を受けまして、残念ながらご来場できないお客様や、2部公演の開場開演時間の変更により、ご来場及び、配信ご視聴のご都合が悪くなったお客様、公演当日の体調不良や情勢の変化等により、どうしてもご来場が出来なくなってしまったお客様には、チケットの払い戻し受付を設けさせていただきます。<対象公演>2021年1月9日(土)新木場スタジオコースト ●全席指定チケット1部:開場13:30/開演14:302部:開場17:30/開演18:30●配信視聴チケット2部配信GATE OPEN:18:00 / 配信LIVE START 18:30※払い戻し受付の際には、電子チケットを使用されていない(もぎられていない)ことが条件となります。※払い戻しを希望なさるお客様は、電子チケットを受け取らない、もしくは受け取ってもご自身でもぎらないようご注意ください。チケットがもぎられていた場合は払い戻しができかねます。※不正がみつかった場合は払い戻しできません。本公演の払い戻し受付期間、払い戻しの詳細等につきましては、詳細が決まり次第、追ってご案内させていただきます。今回、開催決定を決めた事により、ご来場いただく皆様が安心して楽しめる環境作りに努めてまいります。何卒ご理解・ご協力を賜りますよう、お願い申し上げます。2021年1月8日Novelbrightスタッフ一同'> [IMPORTANT] REMEMBER THE BRIGHT TOUR January 9th (Sat) Shinkiba Studio Coast Performance | Novelbright OFFICIAL SITE

[Important] Regarding the performance of REMEMBER THE BRIGHT TOUR on January 9th (Sat) at Shinkiba Studio Coast


Thank you very much for your continued support of Novelbright.

In consideration of the contents of the state of emergency declaration, the REMEMBER THE BRIGHT TOUR ~2020 Summary Show~ performance at Shinkiba Studio Coast on Saturday, January 9th will go on as scheduled.

However, the doors and start times for the second performance will be moved up by 30 minutes.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but please be sure to check the following to avoid any mistakes when you visit.

<Performance information details>

Saturday, January 9, 2021 Shinkiba Studio Coast

Part 1: Doors open 13:30/Start 14:30

Part 2: Doors open 17:30 / Show starts 18:30  *30 minutes earlier

[General sales reception]

Ticket Pia: https://w.pia.jp/t/novelbright/

Eplus: https://eplus.jp/novelbright/

Part 1 Streaming GATE OPEN: 13:30 / Streaming START 14:30

2nd Streaming GATE OPEN: 18:00 / LIVE START 18:30

[Ticket reception]

Ticket Pia: https://w.pia.jp/t/novelbright-tour/

For inquiries regarding the performance, please contact the performance office (business hours: weekdays 10:00~17:00)


Regarding refunds due to the decision to hold an event or change in time, we have provided details for each item, so please be sure to check them.

<Regarding participation in the second performance (change in venue opening and start time)>

Your current tickets will remain valid, so please keep them without uninstalling tixeebox.

*However, the electronic ticket and the purchase history on your account page will show the previous opening and closing times, so please be careful when you come to the venue.

*Your seat number will remain the same. You will not be able to attend other performances.

<About the performance>

In accordance with the government's guidelines for gradual relaxation of event restrictions, this performance will be held at 50% or less capacity and social distancing will be maintained.

Further information regarding future performances will be provided at a later date.

[Performance Implementation Guidelines]

・All tickets for this performance will be sold as digital tickets.

・In order to ensure social distancing, we plan to limit the number of participants to less than half of the venue's capacity. In principle, please sit with space between you and your companions. This will vary depending on the seating layout of the venue.

- All personnel involved in the performance will be required to wear masks, wash their hands frequently, and disinfect their hands, and we will also thoroughly implement temperature checks to ensure their health.

・We will thoroughly disinfect handrails, doorknobs, and other areas within the venue that are likely to be touched.

- We will thoroughly ventilate the venue.

- In areas where lining up is required, markers will be installed to ensure visitors keep a safe distance from one another.

- In places where face-to-face interaction with visitors is necessary, acrylic panels and transparent vinyl curtains will be installed as measures to prevent droplet infection.

- Disinfectant will be installed in various places in the venue.

- Information signs regarding infection prevention will be installed and staff will make patrols to call for people to prevent infection.

・Smoking areas within the venue will be closed.

・Merchandise, CDs and DVDs will be available for sale both inside and outside the venue from 11:00. The sales locations will be announced on the day. Sales will be conducted in a line to prevent overcrowding, and transparent vinyl curtains will be installed to prevent droplet infection.

-Pregnant women, those who may be pregnant, those with chronic or underlying illnesses, and those who have difficulty traveling alone, please consider the safety of yourself and those around you first and make your own judgment regarding whether to attend.

・A temperature measuring station will be set up at the entrance to measure the temperature of visitors with a non-contact thermometer. If a visitor has a fever of 37.5 degrees or higher, they will be asked to take their temperature again in a designated waiting area, and if there is no change in their temperature they will be denied entry.

[Request to visitors]

- The name and contact information you registered when purchasing your ticket may be provided to public institutions as necessary.

・Please register for the COVID-19 Contact-Confirming Application (COCOA) released by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

Google Play


App Store


・Please refrain from attending if you have had close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, have visited a country or region within the past two weeks that has been subject to entry restrictions by the government or requires a period of observation after entry, or have had close contact with a resident of such a country or region.

・Please refrain from attending if you have a fever of 37.5 degrees or higher, or if you have symptoms such as coughing, difficulty breathing, general fatigue, sore throat, runny nose, loss of taste or smell, eye pain or conjunctival congestion, headache, joint or muscle pain, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. In addition, alcohol consumption may raise your body temperature. Please refrain from drinking alcohol before coming to the venue. In any case, please note that you will be refused entry if you have a fever of 37.5 degrees or higher.

・Wearing a mask is mandatory for all visitors, and you will be denied entry if you are not wearing one. Please be sure to bring your own mask.

- Upon entering, please be sure to disinfect your hands with the disinfectant provided.

・To prevent droplet infection, loud conversations and cheering are prohibited. In addition, please refrain from unnecessary seating changes, contact with other attendees, and lending and borrowing items during the performance.

- Please cooperate with coughing etiquette and refrain from conversations as much as possible in the audience area and lobby.

・Please note that staff will contact customers who appear to be unwell. Also, please note that depending on the circumstances, you may be refused entry to the venue.

・Tickets for this performance can only be picked up electronically on your smartphone. Both FC advance sales and Ticket Pia purchasers and accompanying persons must use the [tixeebox app] to enter the venue, and they will not be able to enter by showing the Cloak screen. One smartphone is required for each attendee, so please distribute the smartphone to your accompanying person from within Cloak before collecting the ticket, and then have both the attendee and accompanying person download the ticket before coming to the venue.

Cloakの分配方法はこちら https://cloak.pia.jp/contents/guide/forward.html

<About refunds>

Due to the recent state of emergency declaration, we will be accepting ticket refunds for customers who are unfortunately unable to attend the concert, customers who are unable to attend or watch the live stream due to the change in the opening time of the second performance, and customers who are unable to attend due to poor health onどうしてday of the performance or changes in the situation.

<Target performances>

Saturday, January 9, 2021 Shinkiba Studio Coast

●All seats reserved ticket

Part 1: Doors open 13:30/Start 14:30

Part 2: Doors open 17:30/Start 18:30

●Streaming viewing ticket

2nd Streaming GATE OPEN: 18:00 / LIVE START 18:30

*In order to receive a refund, the e-ticket must remain unused (not torn off).

*If you wish to receive a refund, please be careful not to accept the e-ticket or, if you receive it, not to tear it off yourself.

If your ticket has been torn off, no refunds will be available.

*If any fraud is found, refunds will not be possible.

We will inform you of the refund acceptance period and other details for this performance as soon as the details are decided.

Now that we have decided to go ahead with the event, we will strive to create an environment where all visitors can enjoy themselves in safety.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

January 8, 2021

All Novelbright staff