hidden behind the words< I hate you >. The audience seemed to be listening intently. I chose 開幕宣言 for the finale. It is the lead song of the 1st Album of the same name, and it is an important song that opened at the Osaka Castle Hall performance in 2021. On the same day, the selection of "Sukkiri" (Nippon Television Network) as the theme song of "Dance ONE Project '22," a project to support the national high school dance club, was announced. Yuudai expressed his feelings between the songs in the biggest way, saying "It was definitely the best day of my life! Thank you very much!" while using the words he had repeated many times on that day. a long-lasting rasping that is almost endless.At the conclusion of the tour final, Novelbright selected the music with determination and spirit that this is where it starts. I'm looking forward to the future more and more. In front of the commemorative photo with fans at their backs, Yudai announced the big news in rapid succession. They announced that they would hold a van tour in the fall ("KICK THE AGE TOUR Vol. 2"), and they also said "On June 27, we will have a one-man show at Shibuya O-Crest, where we have performed many live shows." before that. "We will do the back final!" he said. Even though the tour is over, they made an appointment with their fans to meet next. The five members form a line and move from one end of the stage to the other, greeting each other politely. Yudai, who was the last one left, expressed his gratitude on behalf of the audience and said, "It will be a band that makes you feel good that you are cheering for them, so please keep it up!" The performance ended around 21:30. A tour final in which the naked, emotional and straight Novelbright's appearance shook the heart. We will wait and see what happens next. Novelbright "Novelbright LIVE tour 2022 Hope Assort tour~ A tour that makes common goals like "From Live on the Road to Budokan" come true ~" June 24, 2022 Nippon Budokan Set List 01. seeker 02. Okey dokey!! 03. Sunny drop 04. さよならインベーダー 05. 愛とか恋とか 06. 戯言 07. Too Late 08. Friends for life 09. 夢花火 10. Two Shadows 11. ワンルーム 12. See you tomorrow 13. ツキミソウ 14. ライフスコール 15. Anima 16. Morning Light17. Kii-Kii Cat 18. ファンファーレ 19. Walking with you20. 青春旗 21. Designs of Happiness 22. Photo album 23. Dear Sir, 24. 流星群 Encore 25. どうして 26. 開幕宣言 ▼ Set List Playlist https://Novelbright.lnk.to/20220624_budokan' data-wovn-src:-original-content='■「生きてきて間違いなく今日が一番でした!」(竹中雄大/Vo)Novelbright、念願の日本武道館ワンマンでツアー完走!6月23日(木)・24日(金)、大阪発5人組ロックバンドNovelbrightが念願の日本武道館ワンマンを開催した。今年2月にスタートし、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大防止対策を施した上で全国13か所を巡ってきた『Novelbright LIVE tour 2022 Hope Assort tour ~ 「路上ライブから武道館へ」的なよくある目標を実現させちゃうツアー ~』のファイナルを飾る2days。レポートするのは、WOWOWでの生中継・生配信も行われた、オーラス24日(金)公演の模様である。待ちわびる観客たちのソワソワとした気配が伝わってくる開演前。やがて暗転すると、水の滴る音が会場に響き、スクリーンにはオープニングVTRが映し出される。神秘的な青い光に包まれて一列に並ぶメンバーのシルエットの後、ツアータイトルが投影。ステージの門扉が左右に開き、赤いレーザービームが闇を切り裂きながら1曲目の「seeker」がスタートした。日本テレビ系ドラマ『真犯人フラグ』の主題歌としての書き下ろしで、作品のスリルを増幅させたこの曲。竹中雄大(Vo)、山田海斗(Gt)、沖聡次郎(Gt)、圭吾(Ba)、ねぎ(Dr)は、助走なく冒頭からピークに達している驚異のテンションでパフォーマンス。曲が進むにつれ、ステージから客席へと溢れ出していったスモークは、5人の歌唱、演奏、全身から溢れ出るエネルギーを可視化しているようだった。「武道館! ツアーファイナル、ぶちかますぞ!」と荒々しく雄大がシャウトすると、金テープが勢いよく噴出。ムードは明るく一変し、チーム戦略バトルゲーム『ポケモンユナイト』のコラボレーションソング「Okey dokey!!」を披露。スティックを回したり空中に舞わせたりして、ねぎは全身から生命力を溢れ出させていく。間髪入れずメジャーデビュー曲「Sunny drop」を畳み掛け、いずれも様々なリズムでのクラップをファンと共有し、一体感を高めていく。「もっと行けるか、武道館!」(雄大)という煽り文句から「さよならインベーダー」へ突入すると、極彩色のLEDが輝くまばゆい世界へ。聡次郎と海斗は互いの立ち位置を入れ替わって行き交い、ステージ左右にせり出した花道の突端でギタープレイ。硬質なデジタルロックに載せ、コロナ禍の鬱憤を直接的な表現で吐き出すような、痛快な歌詞が突き刺さってくる。歓声をあげることはできない中、オーディエンスは拳を突き上げて身を揺らした。「今日という日を本当に僕ら楽しみにしていました。ツアーファイナルです! 僕らにとっても、そして皆にとっても、忘れられない最高の1日にしましょう!」(雄大)とアウトロ中に叫んだ後、フロント4人はねぎのほうを向き、5人で呼吸を合わせてフィニッシュ。怒涛の序盤が終わり、一瞬の静けさが訪れた。集まってくれたオーディエンス、WOWOWの生中継・生配信で観てくれている人たちへの感謝を熱く述べた後、「皆と一体感をつくれたらな、と思います」(雄大)との言葉から「愛とか恋とか」へ。5月18日にリリースしたMajor 2nd Full Album『Assort』の先行配信曲で、思わず口ずさみたくなるような、その軽やかさがNovelbrightとしては新鮮なラブソング。圭吾はシンセベースに挑み、聡次郎と海斗は温かなアコースティックサウンドを紡いでいく。移り変わる四季の情景、薄桃空の空などが映し出され、温かな空気感が会場に広がったかと思えば、次曲「戯言」では一気に妖艶な秘め事の世界へ。『Assort』で異彩を放つ海斗曲である。アコースティックギターとエレキの2台を交互に弾きながら、自作で描いた複雑な恋愛の心模様を、音でも表現していく。続く「Too Late」は英詞のシンセポップに挑んだ新機軸曲。セピア色に加工されたステージ映像には日本語訳が重ねられ、歌の世界を丁寧に届けていく。同じく英詞曲の「Friends for life」(Major 1st Full Album『開幕宣言』収録)は、きらめく海の水面や波打ち際の俯瞰映像も美しく、相乗効果で曲の世界へと深く惹きこまれていった。深い余韻が残る中、圭吾は汗で乱れた髪のチェックに余念がない、という話題で笑いを誘いながら、雄大は来場者へ改めて感謝を述べると、「こういう時代だからこそ音楽が必要だと思っている」と熱弁。「僕らの音楽の力で少しでも癒やせたら」とも語り、切なさに満ちたバラード「夢花火」を届けた。スクリーンには線香花火が映し出され、儚くも熱く燃えるイメージを想起。細かいビブラートの掛かった雄大の歌声は、心の震えを映し出すかのよう。ラスト、聡次郎のエモーショナルなギターソロは胸を打った。ブルーのレーザービームが扇状に光の帯を広げていく光景の中、別れのバラード「ふたつの影」を続けると、客席の天井には光で星座が結ばれていく。雄大の歌唱はもちろん、ねぎの繰り出すタメの効いた一打一打、むせび泣くような海斗のギター、全員がそれぞれに楽器で“歌って”いた。「ぜひ、座って聴いてください」(雄大)との呼び掛けで、アコースティックコーナーへ。聡次郎が奏でるピアノに乗せて語り始めた雄大は、 1st『開幕宣言』を“名刺代わり”と位置付け、対する2nd 『Assort』は「自分たちのやりたいこと、いいとこ取り、選りすぐり」と表現。コロナ禍で夢や希望を感じづらい世の中になっている状況下、少しでも“希望を集めたい”という想いがツアータイトル(Hope Assort)に込められている、と明かした。ツアーサブタイトル(「路上ライブから武道館へ」)にも言及し、路上ライブを大事にしてきたバンドとしてアコースティックコーナーを設けた旨をコメント。メンバーも全員座って、「ふたつの影」の続編バラード「ワンルーム」をまずは届けた。ねぎはカホンに加えシンバルをプレイ。雄大は椅子に腰掛けつつも、立ち上がりそうになるほど前のめりになって歌に力を込め、圭吾も座ったままながらベースのフレーズは激しく動き回っていた。雄大得意の口笛に続いて「また明日」を披露。対話するような聡次郎と海斗のアコースティックギターが美しく絡み合い、やはりこの曲でも全員が“歌って”いて、全員の呼吸がピッタリと合っていた。しっとりと聴かせるゾーンはこれだけで終わらず、むしろここから更に深まっていく。延べ1千万回再生に迫る勢いの一発撮りのライブパフォーマンスを切り取るYouTubeチャンネル『THE FIRST TAKE』で公開された「ツキミソウ」に見立てた映像が映し出され懐かしく見入っていると、ハッと息を呑んだ。歌の始まる直前で映像が途切れ、ステージで歌唱する実物の雄大に切り替わったのである。1コーラスアカペラで歌い終えたところで、ピアノ、続いてストリングスカルテットがステージに出現。力強くも清らかに澄んだ、とてつもない熱量と想いのこもった歌声を、雄大は全身を大きく動かしながら放っていった。一瞬、逆光でシルエットになった後、赤い照明の世界が大サビで広がって、盛り上がりは最高潮に。曲が密やかに終わると、ひときわ大きな拍手が会場に鳴り響いた。カルテットが再び演奏を始める中、メンバー全員が再び揃って「ライフスコール」へ。映画『犬部!』の主題歌となったドラマティックなナンバーで、バンドサウンドとストリングス、ピアノが融合した疾走感のある壮大な楽曲。ステージ上の全員がパワー全開で歌い、音を鳴らし、エネルギーがステージに充満。それを浴びたファンは手拍子で想いを伝え、ステージとの熱のやり取りが止めどなく繰り返されていた。爽快感に浸っていると激しい雨音のSEが流れてきて、スクリーンを稲光が走る。デジタルのスリリングで重厚なビートが響き、インスト曲「Anima」へ。楽器隊メンバーの姿がスクリーンに4分割で映し出され、それぞれのプレイの持ち味と魅力を前面に打ち出し、時にはバトルしたかと思えば寄り添い合って、音の化学反応で火花を散らして行く。立ち尽くして聴き入っていたオーディエンスは大拍手を送った。すぐさま「Morning Light」へ雪崩れ込むと、雄大が合流し「さあ、武道館! ここから後半戦!」と叫んで熱唱。コーラスパートのシンガロングはコロナ禍で求めることができないが、Novelbrightの渾身の歌と演奏に対し、勢いよく両手を捧げて気持ちを伝えようとする観客。5人で互いに向き合って呼吸を揃えた後の大サビでは、凄まじい一体感が会場に生み出されていた。『Assort』収録のサイケデリックなディスコチューン「Kii-Kii Cat」は、楽器を持ったカラフルな猫のアニメーションが賑やかにスクリーンを横切り、雄大、聡次郎、海斗、圭吾は前へ出てリズムに乗せてジャンプを繰り返した。メンバー紹介を盛り込みながらの各ソロ回しもテンポ良く、演奏も魅せ方もダイナミックで華麗だった。『Assort』に収録された、Novelbrightの王道の進化系キラーチューン「ファンファーレ」は、ミュージックビデオを背にパフォーマンス。ファルセットを駆使した雄大の華やかな歌声と、エネルギッシュな演奏。<信じて踏み出せ>とエールを送る熱いメッセージソングだが、決して押し付けることなく不思議な清涼感と共にすんなりと心に届く。「めちゃめちゃ楽しいです、ありがとう!」と笑顔を弾けさせた雄大は汗だくだった。続くMCでは、ツアーを振り返って面白おかしく想い出話を繰り広げ、おふざけモードに脱線していくと「今日は5人とも親(が観に)来てるからな(笑)」(雄大)と自制。ファッションリーダー海斗の衣装を雄大がいじったり、ねぎがこの日導入した扇風機を使ってミニコントのようなやり取りを展開したり。前半はコミカルな話題に終始した。武道館公演前夜にはメンバー揃って食事をしたそうで、帰りにドン・キホーテに掃除用クエン酸を買いに行く雄大にメンバー全員が付いてきてくれた、と述懐。「エモい。うれしかった」と雄大は振り返り、終電を逃さないよう走って帰ったという聡次郎は「昔と変わらんなぁって」と懐かしそうに笑った。MCの後半ではギアが切り替わり、雄大はこれまで抱えてきた悔しさを吐露。「3年前、いろんなSNSで、コイツらの曲は薄っぺらいとか、すぐ消えるとか、コイツらのやってる音楽は嘘つきで何も響かない、とか言われた」と述懐。「俺たちは路上ライブをして、アルバイトを全員辞めて『頑張って売れようぜ!』って。それでやっと1曲世に出てここからだって時に、アイツらは“どうせすぐ消える”とか“ただの路上ライブバンドでしょ”とかSNSでコメントを書かれました……アンチがいすぎてムカついたけど、武道館に行ったら見返せるんじゃないかな?って」と、その悔しさを原動力に進んできたことを熱く語った。「こいつらはこの曲しかないっていっぱい言われたよ。だけど、その曲のおかげで武道館まで来たぞ!だから、あの日の自分は間違ってなかったんだということをしっかり証明してやろうぜ!」「あの時ギャーギャー言ってたヤツ、全員この曲で見返してやろうぜ!」と叫んで、ブレイクの起点となった大切な曲「Walking with you」を投下。悔しさから生まれたエネルギーを瞬時に清らかな水に変換したような、澄んだ歌声を響かせていく雄大をはじめ、5人は全身全霊、ピュアなパフォーマンスを繰り広げていく。「青春旗」を畳み掛けると客席にはグッズのフラッグがはためき、壮観な眺め。目まぐるしいフォーメーションチェンジをしながら、大胆に攻めたプレイを見せていくメンバーたち。聡次郎がセンターで台に乗り、仰け反って弦を搔き毟るようにギターソロ。その頃ステージ左端へ移動していた雄大は、ダッシュでセンターへ戻って大サビを熱唱。大きな盛り上がりの中曲を締め括ると、「Designs of Happiness」を勢いよく駆け抜けるように披露すると、「18歳の時につくった大切な歌です。この曲をここで歌える日が来て良かった」(雄大)との言葉から「Photo album」へ。スクリーンには過去のライブ写真や楽屋でのオフショット、ステージ上でのメンバー間の絡み合いなど、貴重なショットの数々が映し出された。これまでのNovelbrightの歴史と、そこにある想い、信頼関係がまざまざと感じ取れる、宝物のような写真である。夢を叶えるために走り続けてきた彼らの物語をそのまま言い表しているような歌詞が胸に響いた。ラスト、大写しになったのは、ステージで肩を組む5人の姿を捉えた写真。歌い終えた雄大はマイクを通さずに「ありがとう!」と絶叫した。「めちゃめちゃ幸せです、本当にありがとう!」(雄大)と改めて感謝を述べると拍手が起こり、その音は次第に大きくなっていった。ツアーが無事ファイナルを迎えられたことのうれしさを噛み締めながら、自身が「重度の喘息持ちなので」と明かし「正直、ヤバい時もあったんですけど、皆のサポートのお陰で何とか走りきることができました」と安堵。ツアーを共に回ったチームのスタッフに謝辞を述べると、スクリーンに「みんな5人が大好きです! お疲れ様でした!!!  From Novelbright CREW」というお礼の言葉が映し出されていた。更に「ツアーで出会ってくれた皆さん」と呼び掛け、ライブに足を運んだファンに感謝。「学校でも職場でも、子育ての中でも、悩みはあると思う。毎日毎日歩んできてくれたお陰で、出会えたと思う」と語り、一人一人の生活に思いを馳せ、寄り添う姿勢を明示。一人ひとりが悩みながらも日常を頑張って生き抜いたからこそ、ライブという場に辿り着き、出会うことができる。その尊さを熱く語り掛けていた。また、個人的な話であると断りながら雄大は、最近祖父を亡くしたことを明かすと、悲しみに沈む祖母を武道館に招待できた喜びを溢れさせた。また、父親もかつてミュージシャンとして武道館を目指していたと言い、「おやじの夢も叶えたぞ!」と笑顔で呼び掛けた。大好きな仲間であるメンバーと出会えたこと、「そして、何よりも大好きなあなたと出会いました」と真っ直ぐ客席を見つめ、支えてくれるファン一人ひとりへの感謝を述べた。雄大の想いが迸る熱いMCに、メンバーは涙を溢れさせていて、その姿が大写しになるとこちらも込み上げてくるものがある。「もっともっと元気を、笑顔を、生きる活力を与えるから、会いに来てください」と慈しむようにファンに語り掛け、「日々支えてくれている感謝を、この歌に込めます」と宣言すると、「拝啓、親愛なる君へ」を丁寧に歌い届けた。雄大のMCに一人涙を見せなかった海斗は、とびきりの笑顔でコーラスを歌い、その表情は心底楽しそうで、リラックスしているようだった。5人それぞれがありのままであり個性的で、各自の表現を追求しながらバンドとして前進するため、一丸となっている。そんな姿が眩しかった。本編ラストは、『Assort』のラストを飾る「流星群」で締め括った。ステージ背後に広がる星空の照明と、ファンが灯すスマートフォンの光が織り成す、美しい光景。全ての想いをこの場所に封じ込め、永遠にしようと試みるかのような、祈りに似た歌と演奏だった。アンコールを求める熱い手拍子に呼び込まれて、公式グッズTシャツに着替えたメンバーが再登場。同じく公式グッズのサニードロップの宣伝タイムを経て、最後に合流した雄大は「僕たちの人生の中でも、一番いい日になったんじゃないかな?と思います」とコメント。「せっかくの武道館ファイナルですし、新曲やります!」との言葉から、先週できあがったばかりの新曲「どうして」を披露した。「先週できました。できたてホヤホヤの、すごく切ないバラードです」と雄大が紹介した通り、<大嫌いだよ>という言葉の奥に<大好きだよ>という本心を秘めた、美しいメロディーを誇るミディアムテンポの失恋ソング。オーディエンスは集中して聴き入っている様子だった。フィナーレに選んだのは、「開幕宣言」。同名の1st Albumのリード曲であり、2021年の大阪城ホール公演では幕開けを飾った大切な曲。ちょうどこの日、『スッキリ』(日本テレビ系)の全国高校生ダンス部応援企画「ダンス ONE プロジェクト‘22 」のテーマ曲への抜擢が発表されたばかりでもあった。この日何度も繰り返してきた言葉を用いながら、雄大は曲間で「本当に、生きてきて間違いなく今日が一番でした! ありがとうございました!」と最大級の表現で想いを表明した。終わりを惜しむような、長く音を鳴らし続ける掻き回し。ツアーファイナルの締め括りに、ここから始まっていくのだ、という決意と気迫を込めた選曲をしたNovelbright。今後がますます楽しみになった。ファンを背にした記念撮影を前に雄大は、矢継ぎ早に重大告知。秋には対バンツアーを開催すると発表し(「KICK THE AGE TOUR Vol.2」)、更にはその前に「6月27日、俺たちがたくさんライブをしてきた渋谷O-Crestでワンマンやります」とも。大阪では昔よく行っていた企画だと解説し、「裏ファイナルをやります!」と意図を補足説明した。ツアーは一旦終わったとは言っても、すぐ次に会う“約束”をファンと交わした彼ら。メンバーは5人で一列になりステージの端から端へと移動して丁寧に挨拶。最後に一人残った雄大が代表して感謝を述べ、「応援していて良かったな、と思えるようなバンドになるんで、これからもよろしくお願いします!」と語り掛け、終演したのは21時30分頃。赤裸々でエモーショナルで真っ直ぐなNovelbrightの姿が心を揺さぶったツアーファイナル。今後の行方を見守っていきたい。(取材・文/大前多恵)Novelbright「Novelbright LIVE tour 2022 Hope Assort tour~『路上ライブから武道館へ』的なよくある目標を実現させちゃうツアー~」2022年6月24日 日本武道館 セットリスト01. seeker02. Okey dokey!!03. Sunny drop04. さよならインベーダー05. 愛とか恋とか06. 戯言07. Too Late08. Friends for life09. 夢花火10. ふたつの影11. ワンルーム12. また明日13. ツキミソウ14. ライフスコール15. Anima16. Morning Light17. Kii-Kii Cat18. ファンファーレ19. Walking with you20. 青春旗21. Designs of Happiness22. Photo album23. 拝啓、親愛なる君へ24. 流星群<アンコール>25. どうして26. 開幕宣言▼セットリスト・プレイリストhttps://Novelbright.lnk.to/20220624_budokan'> Official live report from the Nippon Budokan concert on June 24th (Friday) has been released! |Novelbright OFFICIAL SITE

Official live report from the Nippon Budokan concert on June 24th (Fri) has been released!!


"Today was definitely the best day of my life!" (TAKENAKA YUDAI /Vo)

Novelbright completes tour with long-awaited solo concert at Nippon Budokan!

On June 23rd (Thurs) and 24th (Fri), Novelbright, a five-member rock band from Osaka, held their long-awaited solo concert at the Nippon Budokan. The two-day concert marked the finale of the "Novelbright LIVE tour 2022 Hope Assort tour - A tour that makes the common goal of "From street performances to the Budokan" a reality," which began in February this year and has toured 13 locations around the country while taking measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This report covers the final performance on the 24th (Fri), which was also broadcast and streamed live on WOWOW.

Before the show started, the audience was excited and waiting. The lights went out, the sound of dripping water echoed through the venue, and the opening video was projected on the screen. The members were lined up in a mysterious blue light, and then the tour title was projected. The stage doors opened on both sides, and the first song, "seeker," began as red laser beams cut through the darkness. This song was written specifically for the theme song of the Nippon Television drama "The Real Criminal Flag," and it amplified the thrill of the work. TAKENAKA YUDAI (Vo), YAMADA KAITO (Gt), OKI SOJIRO (Gt), KEIGO (Ba), and NEGI (Dr) performed with incredible tension that reached its peak right from the beginning without any run-up. As the song progressed, the smoke that overflowed from the stage into the audience seemed to visualize the energy overflowing from the five members' singing, playing, and whole body.

When Yudai shouted wildly, "Budokan! Let's hit the final of the tour!", gold tape spurted out with force. The mood brightened up and they performed "Okey dokey!!", a collaboration song for the team strategy battle game "Pokemon Unite". NEGI spun his stick and flew it into the air, overflowing with vitality from his whole body. Without a moment's pause, they performed their major debut song "Sunny drop", sharing claps with the fans in various rhythms, enhancing the sense of unity. "Can we go further, Budokan!" (Yudai) led them to "さよならインベーダー", and into a dazzling world of brilliantly colored LEDs. Sojiro and Kaito swapped positions and played guitar at the tip of the runway that jutted out on the left and right sides of the stage. The lyrics, which are refreshing and seem to directly express the frustration of the coronavirus pandemic, pierce the audience with their hard digital rock. While they couldn't cheer, the audience raised their fists and shook their bodies. "We were really looking forward to today. This is the final tour! Let's make this the best and most unforgettable day for us and for everyone!" (Yudai) shouted during the outro, and then the four front members turned to NEGI and finished in unison. After the raging opening, a moment of silence came.

After expressing his heartfelt gratitude to the audience who came and those who watched the live broadcast and live streaming on WOWOW, Yudai said, "I hope we can create a sense of unity with everyone," and then moved on to "愛とか恋とか." This is a pre-release song from the Major 2nd Full Album "Assort," released on May 18th, and is a fresh love song for Novelbright, with its lightness that makes you want to hum along. KEIGO takes on the synth bass, while Sojiro and Kaito spin a warm acoustic sound. The changing seasons and a pale pink sky are projected, and a warm atmosphere spreads throughout the venue, and the next song, "戯言," takes us straight into the world of seductive secrets. Kaito's song stands out in "Assort." While alternating between playing acoustic and electric guitars, he expresses the complex feelings of love that he has drawn through his own compositions through sound. The next song, "Too Late," is an innovative piece that takes on synth pop with English lyrics. Japanese translations are overlaid on the sepia-toned stage footage, carefully conveying the world of the song. "Friends for life," also in English (included in Major's 1st full album, "開幕宣言"), features beautiful bird's-eye views of the sparkling ocean surface and shoreline, creating a synergistic effect that draws you deeper into the world of the song.

With the deep afterglow still lingering, KEIGO was busy checking his sweaty hair, which drew laughter from the audience, while Yudai once again expressed his gratitude to the audience and passionately stated, "I think music is necessary especially in times like these." He also said, "I hope that our music can heal even a little," and delivered the sad ballad "夢花火." Sparklers were projected on the screen, evoking an image of a fleeting but hot burning. Yudai's singing voice, with its fine vibrato, seemed to reflect the trembling of the heart. At the end, Sojiro's emotional guitar solo touched my heart. As the blue laser beam spread a band of light in a fan shape, they continued with the farewell ballad "Futatsu no Kage," and a constellation of light was formed on the ceiling of the audience. Not only Yudai's singing, but also NEGI 's well-timed hits and Kaito's sobbing guitar, everyone was "singing" with their own instruments.

"Please sit down and listen," Yudai said, and the band moved on to the acoustic section. Yudai began speaking with Sojiro playing piano, describing his first album, "開幕宣言," as a "business card," and his second album, "Assort," as "what we want to do, taking the best parts and selecting them all." He revealed that the tour title (Hope Assort) was meant to express their desire to "gather hope" as much as possible in a world where dreams and hope are difficult to feel due to the COVID-19 pandemic. He also mentioned the tour subtitle ("From Street Live to Budokan") and commented that they set up an acoustic section as a band that has always valued street live performances. All the members sat down and first delivered "Oneワンルーム," a sequel ballad to "Two Shadows." NEGI played cymbals in addition to the cajon. Yudai was sitting on a chair, but leaned forward so much that he was about to stand up, and KEIGO was still sitting, but his bass phrases were moving around vigorously. Following Yudai's whistling, they performed "See you tomorrow." The acoustic guitars of Sojiro and Kaito, who were like having a conversation, were beautifully intertwined, and in this song, everyone was "singing" and in perfect sync.

The gentle zone doesn't end here, but rather gets deeper from here. I was watching the video of "ツキミソウ" released on the YouTube channel "THE FIRST TAKE", which cuts out one-shot live performances with a total of 10 million views, and I gasped. Just before the song started, the video cut out and switched to the real Yudai singing on stage. After singing one chorus a cappella, a piano and then a string quartet appeared on the stage. Yudai sang a powerful yet pure voice with tremendous energy and emotion, moving his whole body widely. After a moment of silhouette in the backlight, the world of red lighting spread in the big chorus, and the excitement reached its climax. When the song ended quietly, a particularly loud applause rang out in the venue. As the quartet began to play again, all the members came together again to sing "ライフスコール". This dramatic number was the theme song for the movie "Inubu!", and is a grand, fast-paced song that combines band sounds with strings and piano. Everyone on stage sang with full power, making sounds, and the stage was filled with energy. The fans, who were immersed in the music, conveyed their feelings by clapping, and the exchange of heat with the stage was repeated endlessly.

As I was immersed in the exhilaration, the sound effects of heavy rain started to play and lightning flashed across the screen. The thrilling and heavy digital beats resonated, leading to the instrumental song "Anima". The members of the instrumental band were projected on the screen in four parts, highlighting the unique characteristics and charms of each of their playing styles, sometimes battling and sometimes leaning together, creating sparks with the chemical reaction of the sound. The audience, who had been standing and listening, gave a huge round of applause. They immediately rushed into "Morning Light", and Yudai joined them, shouting "Now, Budokan! The second half starts now!" and sang passionately. Although it is not possible to sing along to the chorus part due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the audience raised their hands vigorously to convey their feelings to Novelbright 's powerful singing and performance. After the five members faced each other and synchronized their breathing, a tremendous sense of unity was created in the venue during the big chorus. In the psychedelic disco tune "Kii-Kii Cat" from "Assort," colorful animations of cats holding musical instruments crossed the screen, and Yudai, Sojiro, Kaito, and KEIGO stepped forward and repeatedly jumped to the rhythm. The tempo of each solo, which included introductions of the members, was good, and the performance and presentation were dynamic and magnificent. "ファンファーレ," an evolved killer tune of Novelbright 's classic, also from "Assort," was performed with the music video behind them. Yudai's gorgeous singing voice, which made full use of falsetto, and the performance were energetic. It is a passionate message song that sends encouragement, "Take a step forward with faith," but it never forces you to listen, and it reaches your heart smoothly with a mysterious refreshing feeling. "It's so much fun, thank you!" said Yudai, smiling and sweating.

In the MC that followed, they looked back on the tour and shared amusing memories, but when they went off on a tangent, Yudai restrained himself by saying, "All five of us have our parents here to watch today (laughs)." Yudai made fun of Kaito, the fashion leader, and NEGI had a mini-comedy exchange using the electric fan that was installed that day. The first half was all about comical topics. Apparently, the members all had dinner together the night before the Budokan performance, and on the way back, Yudai went to Don Quijote to buy citric acid for cleaning, and all the other members accompanied him. "It was emotional. I was happy," Yudai recalled, and Sojiro, who ran home to catch the last train, laughed nostalgically, saying, "It's the same as the old days." In the second half of the MC, the gears were changed and Yudai confessed the regrets he had been carrying. "Three years ago, on various social media sites, people said that our songs were shallow, that they would disappear quickly, that the music we were making was a lie and didn't resonate with anyone," he recalled. "We did street performances, quit all our part-time jobs, and said, 'Let's work hard and become popular!' Then, when we finally released one song and were just starting to get going, people wrote comments on social media saying, 'They'll disappear soon anyway,' or 'They're just a street performance band, aren't they?'... I was annoyed at how many haters there were, but I thought, maybe we can show them if we go to Budokan." He spoke passionately about how he used that regret as his driving force to move forward. "A lot of people said that this song was all they had. But thanks to that song, we made it to Budokan! So let's prove that we weren't wrong that day!" "To all the people who were screaming back then, let's show them with this song!" he shouted, and then he dropped the important song that became the starting point of his breakthrough, "Walking with you." Starting with Yudai, whose clear singing voice resonates as if the energy born from regret is instantly transformed into pure water, the five members put their whole body and soul into a pure performance. As they performed "青春旗", flags of goods fluttered in the audience, creating a spectacular sight. The members performed a bold and aggressive performance while changing the formation rapidly. Sojiro stood on a platform in the center, leaning back and strumming the strings for a guitar solo. Meanwhile, Yudai, who had moved to the left side of the stage, dashed back to the center and sang the chorus with passion. After concluding the song amidst a great excitement, they performed "Designs of Happiness" with a vigorous run, and then, "This is an important song that I wrote when I was 18 years old. I'm glad that the day has come when I can sing this song here" (Yudai), and moved on to "Photo album". A number of precious shots, such as past live photos, off-shots in the dressing room, and members interacting with each other on stage, were projected on the screen. It's a precious photo that vividly conveys the history of Novelbright and the feelings and trust that exist there. The lyrics, which seem to directly express the story of the group as they continue to run to make their dreams come true, struck a chord with me. At the end, a close-up shot of the five of them on stage with their arms around each other's shoulders was shown. After finishing the song, Yudai shouted "Thank you!" without using the microphone.

"I'm so happy, thank you so much!" (Yudai) said, and the applause started and gradually grew louder. While savoring the joy of the tour reaching its finale, he revealed that he has severe asthma and said with relief, "To be honest, there were times when it was tough, but thanks to everyone's support, I was able to run through it somehow." After expressing his gratitude to the staff of the team that went on the tour, the words of thanks "We all love the five of you! Thank you for your hard work!!! From Novelbright CREW" were displayed on the screen. He also called out "everyone who met on the tour" and expressed his gratitude to the fans who came to the live show. "I think there are worries at school, at work, and in raising children. I think I was able to meet you because you walked every day," he said, thinking about each person's life and demonstrating his attitude of being close to them. It is because each person has struggled and survived their daily lives that they are able to reach a place called a live show and meet each other. He spoke passionately about the preciousness of that.

Yudai also revealed that his grandfather had recently passed away, while refusing to say that it was a personal story, and was overwhelmed with joy at being able to invite his grieving grandmother to the Budokan. He also said that his father had once been aiming to perform at the Budokan as a musician, and said with a smile, "I've made my father's dream come true!" He looked straight into the audience and expressed his gratitude for meeting his beloved members, "and above all, for meeting you, whom I love so much." The members were overflowing with tears as Yudai's passionate MC poured out his feelings, and when their figures were shown in close-up, they too welled up. He spoke to the fans with a loving voice, saying, "We will give you more energy, smiles, and vitality to live, so please come and see us," and declared, "I'm putting my gratitude for your daily support into this song," and carefully sang "Dear, Dear You." Kaito, the only one who didn't shed a tear during Yudai's MC, sang the chorus with a big smile on his face, looking genuinely happy and relaxed. Each of the five members is true to themselves and unique, and they are united in their pursuit of their own individual expression while moving forward as a band. It was a dazzling sight.

The last song of the main part was "流星群", the last song of "Assort". The beautiful scene was created by the starry sky lights behind the stage and the lights of the fans' smartphones. The song and performance were like a prayer, as if they were trying to seal all their feelings in this place and make them eternal.

Called by the enthusiastic applause for an encore, the members reappeared in their official merchandise T-shirts. After a promotional time for Sunny Drop, another official merchandise, Yudai joined the group at the end and commented, "I think this was the best day of our lives." "Since this is the final Budokan performance, we'll play a new song!" he said, and performed his new song "どうして" that was just completed last week. As Yudai introduced it, "It was completed last week. It's a brand new, very sad ballad," it is a medium-tempo heartbreak song with a beautiful melody that hides the true feelings of "I love you" behind the words "I hate you." The audience seemed to be listening intently. For the finale, they chose "開幕宣言." It is the lead song of the 1st album of the same name, and is an important song that opened the 2021 Osaka Castle Hall performance. On this day, it was just announced that the song would be the theme song for the nationwide high school dance club support project "Dance ONE Project '22" on "Sukkiri" (Nippon TV). Using the words he had repeated many times that day, Yudai expressed his feelings in the greatest way possible, saying "Today was definitely the best day of my life! Thank you very much!" The long, stirring sound seemed to be reluctant to end. Novelbright chose this song to conclude the tour finale with the determination and spirit that it was all going to start from here. I'm looking forward to seeing what the future holds.

Before taking a commemorative photo with the fans behind them, Yudai made a series of important announcements. He announced that they would hold a joint band tour in the fall ("KICK THE AGE TOUR Vol.2"), and further added, "On June 27th, we will hold a one-man concert at Shibuya O-Crest, where we have performed many times." He explained that this was a project that they used to do often in Osaka, and added, "We will hold a backstage final!" Although the tour is over for now, they made a "promise" to meet the fans again soon. The five members lined up in a line and moved from one end of the stage to the other, politely greeting the fans. Finally, Yudai, who was the only one left, expressed his gratitude on behalf of the group, saying, "We will become a band that makes you feel glad that you supported us, so please continue to support us!" The show ended around 9:30 p.m. Novelbright 's candid, emotional, and straightforward appearance touched my heart at the tour final. I would like to keep an eye on where they go from here. (Interview and text by Omae Tae)

Novelbright" Novelbright LIVE tour 2022 Hope Assort tour ~ A tour that realizes the common goal of "From street performances to the Budokan" ~"

June 24, 2022 Nippon Budokan Setlist

01. seeker

02. Okey dokey!!

03. Sunny drop




07. Too Late

08. Friends for life


10. Two Shadows


12. See you tomorrow



15. Anima

16. Morning Light

17. Kii-Kii Cat


19. Walking with you


21. Designs of Happiness

22. Photo album

23. Dear You





